Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome Guests!

Well, it's just as the titles says... Welcome guests! So, let me introduce myself before I go on into a long description about what exactly this blog is, and how it works.

My name is Chiaki, but some people just call me Chi. I am, like you (well, hopefully), an author. Except, I'm not one of those "grown up" authors. I'm still a kid. Yuppers, I am simply your average thirteen year old girl who wants nothing really except a new wardrobe, more muffins, more books, a new computer, a new eReader, more songs on my iPod, a new phone, and a completely random dream to become a writer. Oh, and I also want a really fancy dress for my grad ceremony in May (I'll be fourteen by then)

Okay, so now that you know a bit about me (a young girl who doesn't really want much), I'll move on.

What is The Writer's Zone?

Well, so are you wondering that? Huh? Are you? Are you? Well, whether you are or not, I'm going to tell you what it is anyways. The Writer's Zone is a website where a team of young writers of many different ages and backgrounds come together to write their advice for other young writers like themselves. The advice given ranges from things like spicing up your comments on other people's work (Ashley E. Wolf), to things like freshening up your dialogue (Chelsea).

Do I need an account to comment?

No, you don't. You can always comment as an anonymous user. However, you have to be an author in order to post things. If you want to become an author and share your advice with the rest of the world as well, check out this page for more information. If you have a KidPub account, please leave me a comment and I will email you all the rules and how the author's community works. However, if you don't have an account on KidPub, feel free to leave me your email address as a comment. But if you don't feel comfortable giving me an email address, leave me a comment as well, and we'll work something out. However, email addresses are very much preferred. There is only one person who doesn't communicate via email, and that's because she's too young to have an account.

How do I become an author?

That is explained up there. Go to the link provided, and leave me a comment (don't worry, I always check my comments, so I won't miss you) if you have a KidPub account. But if you don't, well...GAH! Just read that subheading up there! -_-

So how does this work?

Every day, a different author will post something on WZ (Writer's Zone). You can read their stuff on the assigned day. If there is a specific author you like to read stuff from, or if you want to see what kind of advice will be posted for each week (or "round", as we like to call it), check the schedule. The schedule is sent out to every author, and is also posted on KP. However, as I understand that some people might not be from KP (I strongly doubt that though), I will post the schedule on WZ as well. Maybe. It depends... If I don't, just ask for a link, and I'll give you the link to the schedule via a comment. Unless you want me to email you the schedule instead, but I know some people can be very paranoid about email addresses... But who can blame you? I would give out my email address, but I'm paranoid right now as well so... We're even!

When will this start?

Right now, nothing is posted. However, on Monday, the first post will be posted, and you can expect a different post every day after that. Please be sure to leave a comment. Well, I'm obviously not going to shoot you in the foot if you don't, but, y'know, who doesn't like comments?

How much does this all cost?

Well my fellow young writer, it's your lucky day! This is all FREE! I honestly don't see any decent reason to charge people to get an account, and even if I did want to do that, I don't think I'd be able to since I don't own Blogspot.  Haha, well, you're lucky... Lol, jk! But seriously though, this is free, and always will be. Never even mention that to my face again! (Never mind the fact that you can't really see my face...)

Wait! I still have more questions!

Unfortunately, my brain capacity is very limited, and so is my attention span and motivation, so I can't really bring myself to think of any more questions you might have right now. If you have more questions, just leave me a comment, and I shall be more than happy to answer them! ...Well, let's face it. I'd be quite irritated. I mean, who isn't? Sales people just say that so you'll buy their junk. ...Okay, I was just kidding about that. I'll gladly answer your questions, because I'M A HAPPY PERSON, OKAY? Haha, maybe...

Well, I guess I'll be signing off for now. We all look forward to hearing from you! Yup, we really do!

-C.T. Connor


  1. Hi Chiaki! I actually commented, on Kidpub, five days ago, but... you haven't answered so I'll try here. Is it too late to join?
    Anyway, this is really cool!

  2. Oh! Sure! Of course it is! I'll add you to the list for the next round. And yes, I saw your reply, but I never got around to answering :S

  3. Well... i wanna be an author. Sent you an email, Chiaki ^_^ And I fille dout the form in the KP post in the email, so... yeah....

  4. HI Chiaki, I'm of KidPub too, I was wondering if I could join this site?
    It seems like such a cool idea and I would be so happy to be a part of it, thanks :)
    Oh and my email is :)
